Updated NEWS on Tim Rutkowski and the MARA WNC State Championship Team at the South East Regional Tournament:


07/27/2008: 9:23pm. It's over. The boys lost 2-0 to Winchester, VA after a rain delay which picked up at 2:00pm. The kids are doing good. Congratulations to the tem for getting this far!!! They did great and we welcome the team back home tomorrow! They're the best!!!

07/26/2008: 4:48pm. We lost today 7-2. The boys play Winchester, VA tomorrow at 11:00am and hope to advance.

07/26/2008: 4:19pm. It's the bottom of the 5th. West Raleigh is winning 7-2. A West Raleigh player tried stealing home and hurt himself. The paramedics are tending to him and hopefully he'll be ok.

07/26/2008: 3:38pm. Tim was walked  in the top of the 4th. The score is West Raleigh 3 - Matthews 1.

07/26/2008: 3:14pm. Game 2 started at 2:30pm. It's currently the bottom of the 3rd inning and West Raleigh is up. The score is West Raleigh 2 - Matthews 1.

07/26/2008: 10:00am. Good morning! Seems like the boys are sleeping in late today. They had a great day after the game yesterday. A bunch of the the boys swam out to a reef and a few of them got cut up a bit but they should be ok for today's game. Tim also has a good sun burn on his shoulders and back but he should be ok as well. There seems to be a discrepancy with yesterdays final score against Tillmans Corner, Alabama. The score we had was Matthews 4 - Tillmans Corner 1, but the official score on the bracket shows Matthews 6 - Tillmans Corner 1. We'll try to get that cleared up later today. Today's game is at 2:30pm vs West Raleigh.

07/25/2008: 11:00am. The kids are going to enjoy today's victory for the rest of the day just hanging out at the pool or on the beach and rest up for tomorrows 2:30pm game against West Raleigh, ENC. West Raleigh won their game against Sarasota, SFL yesterday.

07/25/2008: 10:12am. It's the top of the 6th inning and GAME OVER! The boys won 1-4!!!! Congratulations on your Game 1 Victory!

07/25/2008: 9:49am. We're pitching again at the top of the 4th inning. The score is still 1-4! There was a running on 1st base and the hitter grounded out into a double play!!!! 2 outs!

07/25/2008: 9:37am. We're pitching now at the top of the 3rd inning. We are are winning 1-4!!!

07/25/2008: 9:28am. Tim's team is the home team in Game 1. It's the bottom of the 2nd. The score is 1-1. We're up with bases loaded and 1 out!!

07/25/2008: 9:00am. The boys got to the field at 8am this morning for warm-ups. Game 1 started at 9am. The team is playing Tillmans Corner, Alabama who won against Marshall County, Tennessee yesterday in their first game of the Tournament.  We'll let you know the results of Game 1 as soon as it's over.

07/24/2008: 6:20pm. After yesterdays Home Run Derby and Banquet, everyone hung out in a couple of hotel rooms and had a great time until around midnight. The boys had practice this morning and were getting ready for the big game. The rest of the day was spent relaxing at the beach and just enjoying the beautiful Florida coast. The Opening Ceremonies were held this evening and the kids should be retiring early tonight since their first game is at 9am tomorrow.

7/23/2008: 10:56pm, Last post for the night. Tim did good in the Home Run Derby. He came in 4th place out of all the teams and the only one from MARA to hit home runs. He hit 2 and they were all good distance hits! The team is real proud of that kid! Mary, Tim and Greg are now relaxing at the hotel. Greg and one of his friends are playing guitar for everyone. They're all having a good time. See you tomorrow...

07/23/2008: 8:10pm, Home Run Derby started. Three players from all teams hit 1 home run each in the first round (about 20 players so far - more to come). Tim was one of them and his Home Run was the longest at this point!! The Derby continues and we'll keep you posted.

07/23/2008: 1:30pm. Tim, Greg & Mary are having some lunch in the hotel restaurant. They're right near a white sand beach with a Tiki Bar and an ocean breeze blowing, sun shining, blue clean waves breaking, palm trees swaying... I'm getting depressed.

07/23/2008: It's 11:00am and the gang just arrived at their hotel in West Palm Beach. The hotel room is on the 5th floor and overlooking the ocean. And Matt and I are here in work... Oh well, at least a part of the gang is having a great time!!!

07/23/2008: It's 1:00am and Tim, Greg & Mary are setting off on their trek to Palm Beach Gardens, Florida. The Durango is loaded up and the gang is ready to hit the road!

07/14/2008: Tim and the MARA 11U Cal Ripken American League All-Stars won the Western North Carolina State Championship against Indian Trail 20-9 at the end of the 4th inning. Congratulations to both teams for making it this far!

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